• Register


This English version of the statutes is provided for convenience only. The only legally binding version is the Italian text, available below.

Article 1
Name and address
1.1 The name of the nonprofit Organisation shall be “Milano Altruista Organizzazione di Volontariato”; below it will be referred as the Organization.  The Organization refers to the ‘Legge 11 agosto 1991 n. 266’, ‘Legge Regionale della Lombardia 14 febbraio 2008 n. 1’ and ‘D.Lgs. 117/2017’.
1.2 The Organization shall be non-profit making, apolitical and any excess of funds received or generated from its activities must always be reinvested in the same Organization. The goals and the structure of the Organization shall be inspired by values such as solidarity, transparency and democracy, which allow the involvement of the members in the Organization activities.
1.3 The Organization shall not have any time limit.
1.4 The Organization has its headquarters in Milan. The Executive Committee shall be entitled to move the headquarters inside the city and open and close secondary offices.

Article 2
Goals and activities
2.1 The Organization shall mainly focus on activities that aim to promote and support solidarity, social and civic purposes. The Organization shall be primarily based on the autonomous and voluntary actions of its members.

To read the full italian statute, please click here.